
Yearly Archives: 2010


By |2010-02-08T13:21:35+00:00February 8th, 2010|Stationery Retail|

I subscribe to www.biblestudyplanet.com (really cool site, by the way) and the latest bible study posted was entitled "Christianity 101: Justification." Check it out here: http://biblestudyplanet.com/christianity-101-justification/. Studying this principle reminded me of a blank card [...]

Oh, Baby!

By |2010-02-08T13:17:39+00:00February 8th, 2010|Stationery Retail|

This week I have been working diligently on a baby shower invitation for a friend of mine. She is pregnant with her first child and is having a boy. The colors she chose for her [...]


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